1. Web Integration - ULIS Standard Checkout

Integrate ULIS Standard Checkout with your website to start accepting online payments from your customers. ULIS supports a slew of payment methods such as netbanking, credit and debit cards. Our Standard Checkout library provides all the essential features for integrating ULIS Checkout with the client-side of your application. This is available only for web-based integrations.

2. Prerequisites.
Run the following checklist before you begin the integration:
  • Create a ULIS Account
  • Generate API Keys
  • Check if view port meta tag is added in the tag of your webpage HTML code.
4. Integrate following link at the payment page.
 <a href="https://ulis.dev.site.ulis.live/acceptpayment?mid=<MERCHANT_ID>&
 api_key=<API_KEY>&amount=100&cy=KWD&order_id=<ORDER_ID>">Pay Now</a>
5. The user will be redirected to payment page with the ULIS option.
6. Check order status

Method: POST
URL: https://ulis.dev.site.ulis.live/acceptpayment   
    "status": "Success",
    "order_id": "388372928",
    "amount": "100",
    "currency": "USD",
    "date": "03-Nov-2020",
    "remark": "Paid to merchant",
    "user_name": "John Doe",
    "user_email": "john@gmail.com",
    "user_mobile": "7777777777",
    "api": "order details"
    "status": "Fail",
    "message": "Record not found.",
    "api": "order details"